澳门赌城官方网站的David Puthoff荣获USM董事会颁发的卓越教学奖

Mar 15, 2024 8:00 AM

david puthoffDr. David Puthoff, a professor in FSU’s Department of Biology, 获得了校董会颁发的卓越教学奖, 这是马里兰大学系统评议委员会(BOR)为表彰模范教师成就而颁发的最高荣誉. Puthoff will be recognized at the BOR meeting on April 19.

“我很荣幸能获得这个奖项,并与其他杰出的获奖者一起排名,” said Puthoff. “我很荣幸能指导一些优秀的学生发现他们的学术成就,并帮助他们展示他们应该对自己能做什么和能走多远充满信心.”


“Dr. David Puthoff的杰出成就为他赢得了这个奖项. Traki L. Taylor, provost and vice president of Academic Affairs. “在过去的15年里,他把自己的工作倾注到澳门十大赌城官方网站的学生身上,提高了FSU学生的教学体验. In reflection, students attest that Dr. 普托夫是一位充满激情和知识渊博的优秀老师, 营造舒适的学习环境,并在教学中融入不同的学习方式.” Taylor continued, “Dr. Puthoff is very deserving of the Excellence in Teaching Award. Congratulations, Dr. Puthoff. Continue bringing learning to life!”

普托夫已经成为将创新实践融入生物科学教学的典范,这些实践为学生带来了变革性的体验. 他的工作重点是创建动手活动和项目,让学生有信心参与他们需要充分参与该领域. Throughout his courses, students can discover and characterize new viruses, identify and map genes involved in cancer, 设计并进行自己的实验,并与同行评审的出版物合著.

“As long as I have known Dr. Puthoff, 他重视以学生为中心的学习,并致力于开展活动和项目,向学生展示从事科学研究的实际情况,” said Dr. 丽贝卡·泰勒,副教授兼生物系系主任. “More importantly, his methods allow students to have control over their learning, 这给了他们信心,并强调科学是包容的,每个人都可以获得.”

Most recently, 普托夫的研究已经转移到“大麻”的基因和化学分析上.“我和一个伟大的本科生团队正在编目大麻品种的微卫星资料,并将它们与CBD联系起来。, THC, terpene and other cannabinoid levels,” said Puthoff. In addition to hemp, Puthoff的研究还侧重于植物与病原体的相互作用,特别关注与害虫的相互作用.

“Dr. Puthoff’s encouragement to learn through doing, and to care deeply for what’s learned, 是否仅限于他在独立研究项目中的指导,” said current student Quinton Browne. “In his genetics lecture, 很明显,他对这门学科的热爱是澳门十大赌城官方网站应该向往的. In the lab component, 他让澳门十大赌城官方网站有可能在一个不纯粹是复制的项目上工作, 但这需要澳门十大赌城官方网站自己生成数据并寻找新的信息.” Browne continued, “He has been an inspiration to learn at every opportunity, which is what can be expected of the best professors, but also to love what I learn, which is where he proves himself excellent.”

Joshua Clem, FSU senior, echoes those sentiments. “As a first-year student, Dr. 普托夫是我本科生涯中第一个对生物学表现出真正热情的教授, which motivated the students under him. 很明显,他不仅热爱生物学,还热爱教学.克莱姆接着说,“我对生物学的热情很大程度上要归功于布朗博士. 普托夫的教学方法,从来都能保持我的兴趣.”

Transfer student Nicole Felton attributes her growth academically, 从专业和个人角度来看,她在普托夫的指导下获得的经验. 在我自信地知道自己余生想要做什么之后. 普托夫很快就建议我和他一起做独立的研究,以获得在我未来职业中使用的技能和知识.”

“I am incredibly pleased and excited to learn that Dr. David Puthoff has received this award,” said Dr. Boyce C. 威廉斯是澳门赌城官方网站教育、健康与自然科学学院院长. “Dr. Puthoff对教学的热情非常鼓舞人心,这从他每学期的学生评估中可以看出. 学生们一致表示,他的教学和建议促使他们成为最好的自己.” Williams went on to say, 很明显,他的教学远远超出了课堂, impacting students’ lives and their learning. 我代表教育卫生与自然科学学院, we extend our heartfelt congratulations.”

Puthoff已经在FSU工作了16年,并且是2023年FSU教师成就奖的获得者之一. 他于1994年在俄亥俄州立大学获得分子遗传学学士学位,并在加州大学获得植物学博士学位, Riverside in 1999. 在来到弗罗斯特堡之前,普索夫还在爱荷华州立大学和美国农业部农业研究服务处完成了博士后工作. He has taught classes at Towson University, 在马里兰大学全球校区和乔治城大学担任兼职教授.

“Dr. Puthoff’s commitment to high-quality, 通过课程整合本科研究的高影响力教学值得这种认可,” said Al Delia, FSU’s acting president. “He is changing the way FSU’s students view and learn biology, 他正在创造有意义的经验,灌输研究知识和技能,这些知识和技能将在他们的职业生涯中取得成功.”

For more information about the BOR awards visit http://www.usmd.edu/usm/academicaffairs/regents-faculty-awards.