
在这里你可以找到一些在线资源. 有各种各样的网站和建议, but please note we are not endorsing any of the following as they are not maintained by 澳门十大赌城官方网站 or the 学生心理咨询 Center. 某些应用程序和/或可下载内容可能需要付费.

请记住, that no website can take the place of a counselor to help you work through your concerns. Don't hesitate to reach out to us anytime during business hours, at 301-687-4234.

  • 其他

    网上小册子集 特色信息发布由其他大学. Information provided may refer to services available only to students at that university. 其他 students should of course contact their own university student counseling center. Opinions expressed in a virtual pamphlet from one university do not necessarily reflect those of other universities.

    大学咨询角播客 is a podcast dedicated to honest discussions on a variety of mental health topics. It is a collaboration between two clinicians at different college counseling centers; Dr. 阿默斯特学院的乔丹·巴纳德博士. 哈特福德大学的Gregory Betz说.

    病人服务热线 is a site dedicated to helping you find the experts, resources, or services you need t这对地方、州和联邦层面都有帮助. 病人服务热线 covers everything from assisting with prescription costs and basic essential needs to finding treatment from top providers and health care/insurance needs. 也可以通过调用来访问这些服务 (800) 685-2654. 



  • 在你的设备上试试这些心理健康应用吧
    • 顶部空间 更少的压力. 更有弹性. 快乐. 这一切都始于每天的几分钟.
    • MindShift CBT Uses scientifically proven strategies based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help you learn to relax and be mindful, 培养更有效的思维方式, 用积极的步骤来控制你的焦虑.
    • 平静 澳门十大赌城官方网站的目标是帮助你改善你的健康和幸福.
    • Remente 每天的小行动都能创造改变生活的行为.
    • 下来的狗 个性化瑜伽练习.
    • 乔普拉 充满了冥想和自我照顾的练习
    • 创伤后应激障碍的教练 让你了解创伤后应激障碍, 关于专业护理的信息, PTSD的自我评估, 寻求支持的机会, and tools that can help you manage the stresses of daily life with PTSD.
    • CBT-i教练 For those who have experienced symptoms of insomnia and would like to improve their 睡眠 habits.
    • 担心工具包 一口大小的心理健康应用
    • MoodTools is designed to help you combat depression and alleviate your negative moods, 帮助你的康复之路.
    • 放松的旋律 无尽的放松和睡眠 & 冥想.
    • 冥想工作室 生活是混乱的,澳门十大赌城官方网站是人,冥想有帮助.
    • 辞职,! A simple app to track all of the stuff you are trying to quit.
    • 6的圆圈 专为大学生设计,防止性暴力, two taps let your circle know where you are and how they can help.
    • myPlan 协助安全决策,如果你, 或者你关心的人, 在亲密关系中遭受虐待吗. 
    • 停止呼吸,思考:冥想 Offers a personalized mindfulness solution tailored to how you're feeling right now.
    • 加州大学洛杉矶分校的注意 随时随地练习正念冥想. 
    • 健康心灵计划 wants to help you develop the skills for a healthy mind by strengthening mental focus, 减少压力, 以及不断增强的适应力, 同情, 更好的免疫系统. 
    • 微笑的心 is designed to build mental fitness and resilience; support good 睡眠, 研究, and sports training; reduce stress and improve 的关系; and promote the development of new social and emotional skills.
    • 洞察力计时器 拥有庞大的内容库:超过80个,000免费指导冥想从超过10,000名教师就压力等话题进行了调查, 的关系, 疗愈, 睡眠, 创造力, 和更多的.
    • 安全的地方 is a Minority 心理健康 App geared towards the Black 社区. African Americans are 20% more likely to experience serious mental health problems than the rest of the general population.
    • 平静的伤害 provides some immediate activities and techniques to help you break the cycle of self-harm behavior and explore underlying trigger factors; the app supports you in building a ‘safety net’ of helpful thoughts, 行为, 以及获得支持的人, as well as providing the opportunity to journal and self-reflect. 
    • 动的心情 is a free app to help young people manage the 行为 associated with low mood or depression. 
    • 清晰的恐惧 为你提供一系列管理焦虑的方法.
    • 简单的习惯 is a 5-minute meditation app designed to help busy people stress less, achieve more, and live better.
    • Daily self-care is finally fun - take care of your pet by taking care of yourself!
    • DailyBean is a simple diary app for those who want to record their daily lives easily. 
    • 习惯跟踪器 一款应用能帮你养成好习惯吗 & 实现你的目标.
    • 最好停止自杀 is designed with psychological techniques to help people who are having suicidal thoughts by encouraging their minds to slow, 冷静下来, 理性思考. 然而, if you’re ever in an emergency situation and feel out of control, 你能做的最好的事情就是拨打自杀热线或911.
    • iBreathe 设计的目的只有一个:简单的深呼吸练习. 
    • Breathe2Relax is a portable stress management tool that provides detailed information on the effects of stress on the body and instructions and practice exercises to help users learn the stress management skill called diaphragmatic breathing.
    • Happify 充满了可以帮助减轻压力的活动和游戏, 克服消极思想, and build greater resilience by providing effective tools and programs to improve emotional well-being.
    • Daylio enables you to keep a private journal without having to type a single line. 
    • 澳门十大赌城官方网站的感受 is a free app to help people better understand their emotions and find strategies to help them navigate their emotions in the moment.


提醒一下, opinions expressed in the resource listed above do not necessarily reflect those of FSU.