

Feb 1, 2024
Come and celebrate Black History Month with the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion! We have a series of events to look out for this month that include scholarship opportunities, prizes, & games!


Dec 6, 2023
Kwanzaa Dinner
关于宽扎节:宽扎节是一个为期7天的非裔美国人节日 & 泛非假日由Dr. Maulana Karenga来庆祝澳门十大赌城官方网站的文化和遗产, & 在令人难以置信的种族冲突时期促进团结.

Oct 13, 2023
今年是FSU多元化务虚会举办的第24个年头. The annual summit has been providing Frostburg State students with the opportunity to increase their awareness surrounding issues of diversity, equity, and inclusion.

Oct 11, 2023
The “TBP” is an original play written by Brownsville Descendant Clory Jackson.

Oct 11, 2023
庆祝印第安人传统月, students were able to explore the national museum to increase their awareness and understanding of the Native people's culture.

Oct 9, 2023
比尔·米勒和解 & 多样性研讨会:红色的胜利之路
澳门赌城官方网站庆祝土著人民日. 拜登总统周一宣布, October 9, 2023, as “Indigenous Peoples’ Day” to celebrate and honor indigenous peoples and commemorate their culture and history.

Sep 20, 2023
十字路口:反dei +平权法案+高等教育
老友拉希德·克伦威尔先生. returned to campus to explore the possible impact of the recent Supreme Court decision to reverse affirmative action in higher education.

Sep 7, 2023
ODEI Meet and Greet
The kick-off event for the new AWMCC was the annual ODEI Fall Meet and Greet program welcoming students, faculty, 员工和社区成员与多样性办公室会面, Equity, and Inclusion staff.

Aug 31, 2023
AWMCC Open House
Officially titled the “Adams/ Wyche Multicultural Center at Lincoln School” the FSU Multicultural Center is open for promoting an inclusive campus environment through activities, events and programs.

Feb 8, 2023
Come and celebrate Black History Month with the Office of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion! We have a series of events to look out for this month that include scholarship opportunities, prizes, & games!

Jan 4, 2023
New site location


Nov 30, 2022
Students write about their experience at Camp Allegheny at the annual 社会正义峰会

Sep 23, 2022
ODEI has gathered responses from 3 members of the Hispanic/Latinx community who are here on FSU's campus.

Jul 20, 2022
2023年春季FEA奖学金现已开放! 指导你认识的所有有资格的、符合条件的本科生现在就申请!

Apr 4, 2022
A reminder to please join us at 6:00 for the ribbon cutting ceremony this evening at the Brownsville Residential Hall. 仪式结束后,澳门十大赌城官方网站将于下午6:30在cit 397集合.m. for a racial healing program, a campus conversation to bring campus and community members together.

Mar 29, 2022
在本次信息会上, Talatha will present on the different types of bullying and the short and long-term effects that these experiences can have on an individual. LGBTQ+的经历是突出的,但这些概念适用于所有人. 还有时间让观众提问和回答.

Mar 29, 2022
“多样性、公平和包容 in Math Education” will explore the gap and the opportunities to improve diversity, equity and inclusion among faculty and students in math and math-adjacent education.

Mar 22, 2022
Hidden in Full View
澳门十大赌城官方网站历史系有请. Charles L. Chavis, Jr. Charles L. Chavis, Jr. Dr. Chavis’s discussion on Hidden in Full View: Confronting the Legacy of Racism in the Age of Fracture will take place Thursday, March 31 at 7:00 p.m. 在吉拉中心397室.

Mar 4, 2022
澳门十大赌城官方网站多样性办公室, Equity, and Inclusion (ODEI) will host “#BobcatsAgainstBias: A Week of Celebrating Diversity, Equity, “包容”是指周五的那一周, 4月1日至周五, April 8. 每一天都有不同的主题, and events, 研讨会和信息将贯穿始终.

Feb 25, 2022
在黑人历史月的最后一天, 多元化、公平和包容办公室 highlights ways to continue to educate peers on Black history outside of just Black History Month. There will be a display of affinity groups and student organizations that are known to be safe spaces for Black students on campus. Motivational speaker, Jordan Green-Ellis, will also hold a discussion with students.

Feb 21, 2022
This President’s Day event will outline the progression of Black people in the U. S. 从奴役到现在. 其中包括黑人社区内部的权力转移, 庆祝第一批黑人医生, politicians, dancers, educators, cooks and more.

Feb 1, 2022
Dr. Charles R. Drew Knowledge Bowl
Frostburg State, 还有霍华德大学, 摩根州立大学和汉普顿大学, 被邀请参加. Charles R. 德鲁知识碗是黑人历史月的一个项目. 埃德娜·麦肯齐ASALH分部. A virtual event, teams of three students will represent their school in the KNOWLEDGE BOWL. 问题将基于基本和一般的黑人历史.

Jan 31, 2022
Angry, tired, frustrated, scared, disgusted, disappointed, irritated, and confused. Many college students share these feelings as they continue to experience and/or witness the challenges of the pandemic and heightened racial injustice.


Oct 20, 2020
安全区培训是了解LGBTQ+身份的机会, gender, and sexuality, 并审视偏见, assumptions, and privilege. 由于反响热烈, 大学多样性委员会, Equity and Inclusion is offering two additional opportunities for members of the campus community to participate in a series of Safe Zone trainings.

Sep 30, 2020
The Allegany County NAACP Branch 7007 will hold a second "Safe but Not Silent" march and rally in honor of Breonna Tayler this Saturday, 10月3日下午两点.m.

Aug 25, 2020
FSU dedicates the Brownsville/Park Avenue monument recognizing the African American community that was displaced as the school, 现在被称为澳门十大赌城官方网站, grew. 这个项目是由教师领导的, students, 员工和社区成员——这是一项长达数年的工作. We look forward to more opportunities in the future to recognize this community and educate the campus and region about its legacy.

Jul 14, 2020
主任来信- 2020年7月
学生多样性中心, Equity and Inclusion declared the Fall 2019 semester as the “50th Anniversary of the Desegregation of 澳门十大赌城官方网站”. Although there were a few other Black students attending the university in previous years, Frostburg saw its first Black graduate in 1961 It was not until 1969 that Frostburg made a concentrated effort to increase the enrollment of Black students at the institution.

Jul 14, 2020
Graduating senior, Tyler Anthony Bauer, 完成了学生多样性中心的全职实习, Equity, 澳门十大赌城官方网站的包容性课程.

Jul 14, 2020
Did you know?
Interesting facts about how the black community has influenced the 澳门十大赌城官方网站 campus. Did you know?

Jul 14, 2020
管理员亮点:博士. Artie Lee Travis
这个学期对Dr. 阿蒂·李·特拉维斯,FSU新任命的学生事务副主席. Dr. Travis has seamlessly fit into his new role and has had to undergo many tests and trials in his short time with the university.

Jul 14, 2020
员工亮点:Jenica Braxton
澳门十大赌城官方网站的工作人员重点介绍了她的作品. Jenica Braxton, an alum of 澳门十大赌城官方网站 who currently works with the Office of Civic Engagement at FSU as an AmeriCorps Vista Member while also balancing her work in FSU’s Master of Education program.

Jul 14, 2020
Our student organization highlight features the ladies of the National Council of Negro Women (NCNW). The organization aims to foster and maintain a safe and inclusive community for African American women on campus and their goals are to educate, 团结和提升FSU的女性.

Jul 14, 2020
学生亮点:Ngozi Alia
澳门十大赌城官方网站的学生亮点是Ngozi Alia的惊人作品, a graduating senior at FSU majoring in Health Science and minoring in African American Studies.