Advanced Directives

Advance care planning is a process that involves learning about the types of treatment and decisions that might need to be made, considering those decisions ahead of time, and then letting others know about your preferences. The best way to communicate your preferences is to put them into an advance directive.

An advance directive is specific documentation through which you provide instructions to let others know what type of medical care you want. These instructions go into effect only if you are incapacitated and unable to make decisions for yourself. These instructions can be changed as you get older or if your health situation or viewpoint changes.

Speak to your doctors and loved ones about what you want and complete the legal forms detailing your wishes. Have your doctor place a copy in your medical record. Inform key family members and friends where you keep a copy. Review your advanced care planning decisions from time to time and update them as needed.

For more information about advanced directives, including forms you may use, visit the Maryland Attorney General Advanced Directives web site.

The Student Health Center will honor your completed advanced directives if you bring them and have them on file; however, the form must be signed by your own primary care doctor.

Patient Portal
    More about the Patient Portal

Note: If you are a new student, you will not have access to this portal until at least 48 hours after your acceptance fee has been paid and processed.

If you are having difficulty locating your immunization and are a resident of Maryland, you can register with Myirmobile to see if your provider has your immunization on record with myirmobile.
